Compartment No 6

Rosa Liksom (Foto: Antti Johansson)
Rosa Liksom: Abteil Nr. 6

Reading by Rosa Liksom

Moderation: Rikarde Riedesel

A reading with Rosa Liksom is more than an ordinary reading; as she works as an author, filmmaker and artist she turns out to be multi-talented. Rosa Liksom's novel "Compartment No 6" has been awarded the highly regarded Finlandia prize in 2011.

The novel deals with two very different persons who meet in a compartment of the Trans-Siberian Railway, on the one hand the Russian Vadim who seems to be quite vulgar at a first glance, and on the second hand a young Finnish woman. They have to spend a week in the narrow compartment and step by step they develop a mutual relationship as the wintry Siberian landscape rolls by.

Rosa Liksom is a keen observer. She is able to describe her impressions in an impressive way and therefore she masterly succeeds to involve the audience into the plot of her stories.

Further information about "Rosa Liksom" can be found on the internet:

Rompel Fachmarkt, Am Hilgenacker 46-48

Monday, 6th of October 2014

8 pm

4,- € / 2,- €

Rosa Liksom

There's a blue night, the water of the lake, and the three wise men of the East. There are blue eyes, the sky and the depths of the forest in the wilderness where to camp (hide). There are blueberries and an old man, singing the blues.

I was born in Lapland, Finland, In the very far North, in the Meän language area. My parents were farmers and reindeer breeders. At the age of 17 I moved to Helsinki. I had miscellaneous jobs and studied anthropology in the university. I spent my youth (occupying buildings and) living in squats and communes throughout Europe. I lived in Kristiania, Copenhagen for four years and spent many summers in Paris. I also lived in Northern Norway and Island and spent the Breznev era in Moscow. I wrote the first three of my books in Kristiania as I was working in a bakery and helping out at a local store. I moved back to Helsinki, Finland in 1987.

Besides writing books, I've also painted and made shortfilms since 1985. I've made comicbooks, a colouring book and children's books. Writing and creating all kinds of art is a way of life for me. I do all of this because I (simply) enjoy it so much (enormously).

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