Pina travels to the Amazonas
School reading by
Flávia Lins e Silva
Moderation: Rikarde Riedesel
Flávia Lins e Silva is one of the most famous authors of children's and youth literature in Brazil. She has already published 16 novels.
Flávia Lins e Silva is the author of the two novels for young people Jugendbuchromanen "Pina travels to Greek" and "Pina travels to the Amazonas" which have been translated into German. The stories invite pupils to go on a journey full of adventure. Excitement is guaranteed and besides pupils can learn much about the country and the people.
In this way reading is really fun!
Pina and her friend Bruno travel to faraway countries with their magic hammock and take the young readers along.
Further information about the book illustrator of Flávia Lins e Silva, Joana Penna, can be found on the internet:
Hauptschule der Stad Bad Berleburg
Hermann-Böttger-Weg 7
Wednesday, 9th of October 2013
9.40 am
School event
Flávia Lins e Silva was born in Rio de Janeiro and she has always loved travelling and writing. Before her journalism studies she had spent one year as an au pair girl in Europe and she told stories in different countries. Since then she published ten books. Pina has made her dream come true to write travelling and to travel writing.

Hauptschule der Stad Bad Berleburg
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S. Fischer Verlag GmbH
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